Army Business Management Plan 2021-25

The Army Business Management Plan 2021-2025 articulates how the Army will systematically and continuously improve business processes, methods, and practices. It enables the Army to free up time, money, and personnel for higher priorities, and enables faster, better, and resource-informed decisions.

Key tasks include:

What are the current and past efforts of the Army?

Army Business Management Plan (ABMP) refines past business reform efforts and enables decision making, generates awareness of Army business reforms, builds support and creates momentum for current reform initiatives.

What continued efforts does the Army have planned?

The plan supports the implementation of Integrated Management System (IMS), articulates the Army’s Business Core Principles, and identifies Strategic Outcomes, Objectives, and over forty business reform initiatives.

Why is this important to the Army?

The Army Business Management Plan highlights initiatives that allow the transfer of resource savings from lower to higher priority Army programs and initiatives. This plan frames a strategic foundation upon which the Army develops and executes enterprise programs and initiatives to reform the management of business operations supporting the Army’s People, Readiness, and Modernization priorities.


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Focus Quote for the Day

Continuously improving Army business processes will ultimately solve the Army’s central challenge of modernizing and preparing for the future while simultaneously maintaining readiness with finite resources by allowing the transfer of resource savings from lower to higher priority Army programs and initiatives.

— Christopher Lowman, senior official performing the duties of the undersecretary of the Army