Bible References, Citations, and Translations

Have you ever had a Writing Expert, professor, or grader critique you for your improper format of Bible citations? Has anyone ever criticized you for not indicating which Bible translation you are quoting from? Well, you are not alone. Knowing how to incorporate the Bible into your papers can be tricky! When do you say “1 Cor 13” or “1 Corinthians 13” or “First Corinthians 13”? Where, how, and how often do you need to indicate what English translation you are using? What do you do when you want the reader to compare the passage you are quoting to other related passages?

Take heart, for in this brief post, I will guide you through all the tips and tricks concerning how to use and cite the Bible in your papers! First, we will look at how to mention Bible passages in a sentence. Second, we will look at how to cite Bible passages in parenthetical notes. Third, we will look at how to indicate what Bible translation you are quoting from. And best of all, there will be lots and lots of properly formatted examples!

How to Mention Bible Passages in a Sentence

Let’s take a look at all the different ways you can incorporate Bible passages into your sentence. The most important rule in the sentence is that you have to write out the entire Bible book; you cannot use Bible abbreviations. Some examples are as follows: