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Rated 4.5 / 5 based on 9 customer ratings
"I was brought here because of Guardians of the Galaxy and I was not disappointed. "
Hey, (hey) what's the matter with your hair?
Moderately steady beat
Hey, (hey) what's the matter with your hair?
Billboard Top Rock 'N' Roll Hits of the 70's
Billboard Top Rock 'N' Roll Hits of the 70's
Piano: Intermediate / Composer
2/17/2016 10:41:58 PM
I was brought here because of Guardians of the Galaxy and I was not disappointed.
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10/28/2015 5:45:51 PM
The notation was right on the mark. the words were questionable, that is it is hard to discern just what is being said on the record, does he say hail or hey and head or hair?
2 / 3 people found this review helpful.
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